About TJ Woodward
As an inspirational speaker and educator, TJ enlightens and entertains audiences around the world. Utilizing his captivating and authentic style, he assists people in literally changing the way they exist through his informative and dynamic talks and trainings.
As an addiction treatment specialist, TJ assists treatment programs in achieving brilliant results through his program development, curriculum designing, and clinical trainings.
In 2018, he was given the distinct honor of being selected as a thought-leader on wholehearted.org along with Marianne Williamson, Brené Brown, Dr. Gabor Maté, and Mark Lundholm.
In 2017, TJ launched The Conscious Recovery Method, which is a groundbreaking and effective approach to viewing and treating addiction. The Conscious Recovery Method moves beyond simply treating behaviors and symptoms. It focuses on the underlying root causes that drive destructive patterns, while providing clear steps for letting go of core false beliefs that lead to addictive tendencies.
The Conscious Recovery Method consists of 12 interactive psychodynamic groups as well as books, workbooks, and journals for your clients. It is a system of care that can be integrated into any existing treatment program and is intended to enhance holistic, integrated care.